The activities we participate in and the work we do is largely driven by our various committees. This list represents our current committees and their details. Our various committees are not rigid and will change as we decide to take on new activities. Want to join the committee discussion, sign up for the committee(s) you want to get messages for by emailing
* Denotes committees required per Grange Bylaws
Building & Grounds
Covers all aspects related to the maintenance and planing of the facility and grounds.
Electronics Recycling
Plans and operates occasional electronics recycling collection events.
Executive Committee*
Makes decisions on behalf of the membership outside of business meetings or when a quorum is unavailable.
Family Living*
Coordinates the Dairy Drive cheese collection for the food bank and the Linus Project blanket making events.
Oversees and audits the treasurer and accounting books.
Kitchen & Kitchen Rental
Oversees the grange commercial kitchen status, equipment, and related rentals.
Marketing / Events / Online Media
Plans and coordinates all non-committee grange sponsored events, marketing materials, and online content.
Works to continually grow and foster the grange membership.
Multimedia / Open Mic
Manages Grange audio and visual equipment and coordinates the Open Mic events.
Works with local groups on combating the growing issues with homelessness.
Facilitates the building rentals, contracts, and coordinating schedules.